Optics-2024 : Filters : S_Luna
Renders the Earth's Moon. You can adjust phase, color, and add atmospheric effects.
The S_Luna filter comes from the Emmy award winning Boris FX Sapphire filter set.
To select a preset, pick one from the Presets window.
Selects how the moon's phase is chosen. You can adjust it directly in Luna mode, or select LunaDate mode to choose a date and time and the effect will use the proper phase for that date.
Select this mode to adjust the moon phase manually.
Select this mode to have the effect compute the phase from the given date and time.
Center point of the moon.
Size of the moon.
Lunar Phase
Phase of the moon in degrees; 0 is new, 90 is first quarter, 180 is full, and 270 is last quarter. Only available in Luna mode.
Note: The Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and GMT Offset parameters are only available in LunaDate mode.
Year to use when computing the phase.
Month to use when computing the phase.
Day to use when computing the phase.
Hour to use when computing the phase.
Minute to use when computing the phase.
GMT Offset
GMT offset to use when computing the phase. For instance, −5 is Eastern Standard Time while −8 is Pacific Standard Time.
Rotation of the moon image in degrees.
The moon has craters that catch and reflect light. This parameter can be used to adjust how bumpy those craters look. 0 is completely smooth, 1 is very rough, and .3 is physically realistic on a clear night.
Adjusts the contrast of the moon. Values toward 0 brighten the dark areas.
Scales the brightness of the result.
Scales the color of the result. For example, if it is yellow [1 1 0], the blue of the result will be 0.
Earth Glow
Adds earth−glow which you often see near sunset when the moon is crescent. The sun's light reflects off the earth and some of that reflected light illuminates even the dark part of the moon. This gives an especially nice look during a lunar eclipse.
Sets the overall gamma of the moon image. Good for reducing contrast in a different way from the contrast parameter.
Sky Color
If you want to make a complete sky image with the moon and a colored sky, you can put the moon in a blue sky by setting Sky Color to blue. This will also tint the moon toward the sky color.
Glow Brightness
Adds some glow to the moon. You can see this often in real life when there's some haze or light clouds.
Threshold for the glow. Only parts of the moon brighter than this threshold will glow.
Glow Size
Size of the moon glow. Larger values create a more diffuse glow.
Halo Brightness
With certain kinds of high, diffuse clouds, you can sometimes see a subtle rainbow halo around the moon. Increase this parameter to see that halo.
Halo Rel Size
Sets the size of the halo relative to the moon. A value of 1 would be the same size as the moon while 2 is twice as large.
Color Fringing
Increases or decreases the amount of color fringing in the moon halo. Fringing separates the colors into a rainbow.
Inner Softness
Sets the softness or spread of the inside of the halo closest to the moon.
Outer Softness
Sets the softness or spread of the outside of the halo farthest from the moon.
Halo Saturation
Sets the overall saturation of the moon halo. Increase for a more graphic look.
Halo Tint
Tints the halo toward this color.
Atmosphere Amp
The Atmosphere parameters add a little noise to the glow and halo for a more realistic look. Atmosphere Amp controls the amount of atmospheric noise.
Atmosphere Freq
Controls the frequency of the atmospheric noise.
Atmosphere Turbulence
Controls the turbulence (amount of detail) in the atmospheric noise.
Atmosphere Seed
Sets the seed of the atmospheric noise.
Combines the moon with the image using various blend modes.
Moon Only
Renders only the moon including its glow and halo.
Uses an Overlay blend mode to composite the moon over the image.
Adds the moon to the background.
Screens the moon with the background. Nice for daytime shots.
Where the moon is brighter than the background, show it. This can be useful for daytime shots with clouds. Where the clouds are brighter than the moon, they'll obscure it.
Transparent Shadow
Composite only the lit part of the moon over the background leaving the dark part transparent. This is not physically realistic, since the dark part of the moon obscures the sky and stars behind it, but it can be used for graphic effect.
Bg Brightness
Scales the brightness of the image before combining with the moon. If 0, the result will contain only the moon over black.
Show Size
Enables/disables the on-screen control for adjusting the Center parameter.
Show Center
Enables/disables the on-screen control for adjusting the Center parameter.